“Whether you’re in winter, spring, summer or fall seasons in your marriage, the way to get through them is to always know what your marriage is in need of.”
When we think of the season of spring, everything is blooming, the colors of spring flowers are sprouting up, and many of us like to do a good old- fashioned “spring cleaning” of our home space. We get rid of clutter, outdated clothes, old items in the garage and begin to clear out all of our spaces. Afterwards, our spaces are organized, and we might even add new items to start the new season off fresh. I don’t know about you, but I love a good organized, clean space. Plus, I am an avid purger. I get rid of items that no longer serve me, my space or my body. This is important to do at least every three to six months.
Have you ever approached starting a new season by getting rid of old stuff as it pertains to your marriage? When I coach couples, especially during times of difficulty, two of the questions I ask are, “Do you know what season your marriage is in?” and “When was the last time you did a check-in with each other?” Many couples are not aware that what they are encountering is just a season. Couples have made permanent decisions based on a temporary season. Seasons are just what they are, a season. Seasons come and go and don’t last long. This also applies to your marriage. It might be a difficult or busy season but it doesn’t mean this will be your life for your entire marriage. Don’t throw your whole marriage away based on a temporary season. It will pass and get better with consistent efforts.
If you are moving through every season in your marriage ignoring each other, ignoring issues, and letting emotional clutter pile up, you will continually be in a cycle of conflict until you are tending to your marriage on a regular basis. I’ve coached many couples who have left their marriage to fend for itself or on “autopilot.” Marriage can not survive being left alone to deal with the seasons of life. Each couple must be willing to invest, cultivate, and nurture their marriage without allowing outside influences to deter them. Your marriage should be the most important priority in your life. You are both vested, all in, and both of you are working to ensure your marriage is healthy.
Whether you’re in winter, spring, summer or fall seasons in your marriage, the way to get through them is to always know what your marriage is in need of. Imagine taking the time to clean up issues right away, clear up disagreements, and ridding yourselves of old habits that don’t serve you, allows very little emotional clutter to pile up. Organizing your life together in a way that continues to cultivate growth can be a much more rewarding and enjoyable marriage.