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I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis four years ago and it’s a continuous learning journey for me. Learning how to navigate life with disease is something I’m still learning. I often get fatigued but always push through and refuse to let MS win. 

My birthday month is in May and I am one of those people who celebrate the whole month. This past birthday was amazing and I celebrated every weekend in the month of May. I also took a solo six-day vacation to Barbados. It was absolutely beautiful and such a wonderful experience. This overall vacation experience made me realize that vacations are a little different for me and that’s okay. The actual traveling aspect of it was nice and easy. I have no problem going to sleep on a flight. I enjoyed the island, tasted many fruits, and had yummy drinks. I visited beaches and explored the island. There are five strategies I attribute to my success and managing my MS while traveling. 

1. Stay hydrated: Whenever I went out, I had my water bottle with me. Even while inside, I made sure to continue to drink plenty of fluids. 

2. Rest and take breaks: I did quite a bit while in Barbados. After each outing or excursion, I took a break. I went back to my Airbnb and either took a nap or just relaxed in the cool air for a while. 

3. Stay cool: Of course, the weather is warm and beautiful there, but it can get a bit hot. I stayed in AC as much as possible and when I went out and about, I carried a small personal fan to help keep me cool. 

4. Eat lighter: I stayed away from heavy meals. I enjoyed lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, smoothies and salads.

5. Wear cool clothing: This wasn’t too hard to do while on this beautiful island. I chose to wear light clothing, which was a big help with staying cool. 

I made it through my vacation and thoroughly enjoyed myself. Now upon returning, with all the activities I did over the course of the whole month, I’m dealing with the aftermath of my MS symptoms. I am extremely fatigued, and I honestly expected that to come. Since being home from Barbados, my body has definitely made me sit down and rest, and that’s okay. I’m going to listen to my body and take it easy. I will make sure to recover and get myself back up and going. It is vital that I take the necessary time to recover. 

I will always push myself and enjoy every moment of life. It is not always as easy as I’d like it to be but that’s fine. I may have to alter how I do things but it is alway worth it. Multiple sclerosis definitely has its ups and downs but I will always look on the brighter side, embrace what is thrown at me and roll with it. I will continue to say it: MS warriors are some of the strongest people in the world!